Too Old To Care

Baby boomers are entering their senior years. In 2010, one-sixth of the adult U.S. population was older than 65; by 2030, about one-fourth will be. Who will take care of all these aging folks? ”whosgonnatakecareofme”, I ask this question daily. If you’re like me and many friends I know, you want to take on the… Continue reading Too Old To Care

Keeping Momma Under Your Wing

Finally! You’ve got Momma settled into her new assisted living quarters. Both you and mom are anxious. The facility representative made this place sound like heaven. All of Momma’s need will be taken care of, that’s what was promised. How can you ensure promises made are kept? Or close to kept? Observation –  You know your… Continue reading Keeping Momma Under Your Wing

Dementia-rize Your Home

Keeping Momma safe while dealing with dementia. I woke up to a strange sound, sat straight up in bed. I glanced at the clock…2:00AM and lights are on down the hall. Momma’s up. With a deep sigh, I throw off the covers and got out of the bed to investigate. I reached the bathroom in… Continue reading Dementia-rize Your Home

Who Cares?

A little advice on taking care of the caregiver (YOU) I’ll admit it. I was NOT prepared for becoming a caregiver for my aging mother. No instructional classes, no heads up, no advice from family or friends and no penciling in “Take care of Momma” on my calendar. The job fell into my lap. And… Continue reading Who Cares?

Managing Medicines for a Person with Alzheimer’s

People with sickness|Alzheimer’s disease might take medicines to treat the disease itself, mood or behavior changes, and different medical conditions.Caregivers will make sure that medicines area unit taken safely and properly. Here area unit some tips to assist you manage medications for somebody with Alzheimer’s disease. Learn the Basics Know every medication (prescription and over-the-counter) the… Continue reading Managing Medicines for a Person with Alzheimer’s

10 CareGiver Tips

Being an Alzheimer’s caregiver is tough work that needs plenty of information and lots of skills for obtaining on and for connecting with the person.Here are some tips to help you out on your caregiving journey: 1. Don’t Be in Denial: It’s only natural to be in denial when a loved one begins to show… Continue reading 10 CareGiver Tips

Alzheimer’s Managing sleep problems

If you are caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disturbances will take a toll on each of you.Here’s help promoting a good night’s sleep.Sleep issues and Alzheimers usually go hand in hand.Understand what contributes to sleep issues in Alzheimer’s disease and what you’ll do to assist. Common Alzheimer’s sleep problems Many… Continue reading Alzheimer’s Managing sleep problems

TEN (10) Ways to Love Your Brain

Growing proof indicates that individuals will cut back their risk of psychological feature decline by adopting key mode habits. When doable, mix these habits to realize most profit for the brain and body. Start now. It’s ne’er too late or too early to include healthy habits. Break a sweatEngage in regular vas exercise that elevates… Continue reading TEN (10) Ways to Love Your Brain

Signs and Symptoms of Dementia

While symptoms of dementia can vary greatly, a minimum of 2 of the subsequent core mental functions should be considerably impaired to be thought of dementia: MemoryCommunication and languageAbility to focus and pay attentionReasoning and judgmentVisual perception People with dementia might have issues with short-term memory, keeping track of a handbag or wallet, paying bills,… Continue reading Signs and Symptoms of Dementia

Alzheimer’s and dementia care: Tips for daily tasks

Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiving takes patience and flexibility. To reduce frustration, consider these tips for daily tasks from limiting choices to creating a safe environment. If you are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia, your role in managing daily tasks will increase as the disease progresses. Consider practical tips that can… Continue reading Alzheimer’s and dementia care: Tips for daily tasks

Diet that could Prevent Alzheimer’s disease

DEMENTIA symptoms could be prevented by following the MIND diet, which combines parts of the Mediterranean diet with a dietary plan to reduce high blood pressure. Dementia and cognitive decline could be prevented by following the MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay). It combines the Mediterranean diet with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.… Continue reading Diet that could Prevent Alzheimer’s disease

10 Tips for Communication (Alzheimer’s CareGivers Guide)

Don’t Forget, Alzheimer’s can surprise you!   “BE INFORMED, NOT SURPRISED”